


1. 我需要转多少个单位? 

  1. The UC and CSU grant highest priority for 转移 admission to junior-level 加州 社区大学申请者有60个学期(90个季度)的学分.
  2. Due to cuts in enrollment budgets, many CSU and UC campuses limits enrollment of or 不接受低年级(大一和大二)的转学生.
  3. UC requires 60 semester (90 quarter) UC-转移able 单位 for upper division 转移.
  4. CSU grants junior standing once a student completes at least 60 转移able semester 单位.
  5. Private colleges and universities often accept students with fewer than 60 semester 单位. Please check the minimum unit requirements for 转移 in the catalog or website 你所选择的私立学院或大学.

2. What is the difference between the 加州 State University (CSU) and the University 加州大学(UC)?


  1. 目前有23个校区.
  2. Grants the most bachelor degrees among the higher education segments in 加州.
  3. Focus of study is considered the more practical, career-oriented of the two systems.
  4. 与加州大学联合授予学士、硕士和博士学位.


  1. 现有10个校区. 然而,加州大学旧金山分校只是一所专业学校.
  2. 学习的重点是理论性和研究性.
  3. 授予专业、学士、硕士、博士学位. 

3. 什么是协助?

协助.org is the official repository of articulation for 加州’s public colleges and universities and provides the most accurate and up-to-date information about student 转移 in 加州. 这是一个必不可少的工具 转移计划.

4. 转学前我应该修哪些课程?

For most students who intend to 转移 as juniors, it is important to take basic 通识教育课程. 然而,在某些情况下,完成它更为重要 主修课程.

联系你的咨询师 确定适当的低年级专业课程.

5. 如何了解学校的转学和专业要求?

Check in with your Counselor each semester to assure you are meeting the requirements 并且正在准备转校. 此外,参加转学申请研讨会 由 转移中心.

“大学 has articulation agreements with UC, CSU, and some private universities. 明确的课程和要求可在 通识教育 & 迁移模式网页.

6. 我需要多少绩点才能转学?


最低GPA要求是 符合条件的 CSU的录取考虑是2.0, UC是2.4.
但是,满足最小值 并不意味着接受 因为某些专业的GPA要求可能更高.


  1. 保持最高的成绩.
  2. Work closely with your Counselor particularly when applying to competitive universities 或程序.
  3. 注册心理咨询15:学习技巧课程.

7. 我如何申请四年制学院或大学?

Check in with your Counselor each semester to assure you are meeting the requirements 并且正在准备转校. 有传输资源和传输应用程序 应用工作坊由 转移中心. 联系你的咨询师.


  1. 适用于 CalState应用.
  2. 查看申请何时被接受的优先提交期限.
  3. 入学论文不需要. 可能会有补充申请基于 主要.


  1. 适用于 加州大学申请.
  2. 学生一般提前一年申请.
  3. Short, written responses to four Personal Insight 问题 are part of the application processhere . 可能会有基于专业的补充申请.


  1. 查看具体大学的网站或致电招生办公室.
  2. 一些大学可能会接受 常见的应用程序.



 8. “转移”是什么意思?

转移 describes a student's academic advancement from a community college to a 大学

9. 转学后需要多长时间才能完成?

The amount of time to finish will be a result determined by the number of requirements you complete prior to 转移, the number of requirements remaining to be completed, 以及你每学期完成的单元数. 如果学生完成了所有的 GE and lower division 主要 requirements, and a total of 60 转移able semester 单位, and continues at the 转移 institution full-time, the student should be 能在两年内毕业.

10. 我怎样才能见到大学代表?

Representatives from many colleges visit the Career 转移中心 in building 700, 第二外语. 查看 转移ag体育日历.

11. 什么是CSU GE或IGETC?

GE or 通识教育 is a program of courses that provides a broad educational 经验. Courses are usually introductory in nature and provide students with fundamental skills and knowledge in English, arts, humanities, mathematics, social sciences, physical 生物科学.

IGETC or the Intersegmental 通识教育 转移 Curriculum is a general education program that community college students can use to satisfy lower division general 任何科罗拉多州立大学或加州大学校区的教育要求.

Students who are planning to 转移 to a CSU may want to complete the CSU GE pattern 而不是. 完成IGETC是学生在准备时的一种选择 转移. It is not the only option and for some 主要s, such as engineering and science, 不建议使用. 完成IGETC并不是转学的必要条件 犯罪现场调查组或加州大学.

查看 中转中心网页 欲了解更多信息.

12. 转学需要大专学位吗?

不,转车不需要. 一些学生还获得了副学士学位 而别人不这样做. 最好与咨询师讨论一下选择.

13. 我可以转学未申报的专业吗?

In general, very few CSU and UC campuses allow 转移 students to apply as "undeclared".
Most campuses require 转移 applicants to declare a 主要 at the time of application. Students interested in an impacted program or selective 主要 at the CSU or UC must 申请专业. 转学录取政策因校区而异 以及州外的学院和大学. 联系转学的招生办公室 有关以“未申报”身分申请的更多资料.
For students who need guidance about selecting a 主要, Psychology 咨询 (PSCN) 10:推荐职业探索课程.

14. 我转学后可以换专业吗?

The ability to change a 主要 completely depends on the rules governing 主要 changes 在学生将要就读的学院或大学里.

15. 我如何使自己成为一个有竞争力的申请人?

我们鼓励学生超越转学的最低要求. 不仅 should students try to maintain a competitive GPA but universities will also look 在严谨的学术课程选择. 加州大学也会审核学生的 personal statements and extra-curricular involvement (leadership, volunteer, work, 等.) First preference is given to upper division 转移 students from CA Community 大学.

16. 什么是UC TAG?

A UC TAG is a 转移 Admission Guarantee to one of the University of 加州 (加州大学)校园. 参观 标签的网站 或参加由…赞助的TAG工作坊 转移中心 来学习如何进入UC!

17. 什么是AA-T/AS-T?

The Associate in Arts for 转移(AA-T) and the Associate in Science for 转移 (AS-T) are programs intended for students who plan to complete a bachelor’s degree 在科罗拉多州立大学学过类似专业.

Getting an AA-T or an AS-T degree makes it easy to 转移 from a 加州 community 进入CSU系统. 了解更多ag体育 CSU转学学位.

Students are 符合条件的 to receive an Associate in Arts for 转移 or Associate in Science for 转移 after they have successfully completed 60 CSU 转移able 单位 平均绩点2分.0或以上,并已完成CSU一般 Education Breadth (CSU-GE) or the CSU Intersegmental 通识教育 转移 Curriculum (IGETC) and completed with a letter grade of “C” or better on all required 主要 courses 如所选专业所列.

18. 我已经有一个学士学位了. 我可以转车换一辆吗?

You must contact each campus to determine their policy on receiving a second Bachelor's.

19. 什么是认证?为什么对转学学生很重要?

CSU GE或IGETC的认证在转学过程中很重要. 所有加州 州立大学接受普通的通识教育模式. 认证 of GE is the official notice verifying that a 转移 student has completed courses 满足低年级通识教育要求. 学生可申请入学 Chabot的CSU GE或IGETC认证记录. 认证请求 of CSU GE or IGETC is done at the time you request transcripts be sent to the 大学 (大学选择了你,你选择了大学).



20. 我在另一所大学的成绩很差. 我需要通知我的转学学院吗?

是的. 你必须报告你以前就读过的所有院校, and you don't want to provide false information since that could potentially revoke 你的录取或学位.

21. 学分/无学分(及格/不及格)成绩是否可以转移?

因校园和具体课程而异.  详情请咨询咨询师.

22. D成绩可以转学吗?

"D" grades cannot be used for IGETC, and not for some or all areas of 通识教育 这取决于学校,而不是专业. 你可能会想重复一遍 拿D来提高你的GPA.

23. “W”是如何影响可转移性的?

In most cases, W's are not a focus of admission decisions unless there is an excessive 在更长的时间里W的个数.